Welcome to ScrapScandistyle blogging. Here you will find challenges every week, contests and news about www.scrapscandistyle.com. There will be prizes for the winners and cool freebies for all of you who participate. We hope you will enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Designer focus; Challenge winner

A huge congrats to Melscrap for this wonderful layout with some AWESOME Princess Sophie Design. A GC for 5$ is heading your way.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Its time for the new capter for our great fall-on going-challenge - "Happiness is". First off thank you all for participating in our first part of it. So many great layouts are in our blog-challenge gallery. I know some of you wanted to participate but for some reason didn´t make it. Since it´s an on going challenge with 6 parts, you can still make a layout for challenge #1 and be a part of the big draw in the end for great prizes here at scrapscandistyle. The most important thing is that you have finished all six within the end of the year. If you have any questions at all, please PM me in the community. You can find my profile here. Let me again remind you of all the great prizes:) For every challenge there will be one winner for a 5$GC to our shop. Everyone who complete ALL 6 challenges will recive a 7$GC to our shop. AND......... We will pick 1 winner from all of you who completed ALL 6 challenges for a 35$ GC, Gold Membership for 2009 and maybe even some more surprises.

The winner of challenge #1 is someone who made a huge impression on many of us with her definition of happiness; Happiness is....to take part, - not just be a bistander.

Congrats, Ecam. A gift certificate is heading your way:)

So lets talk about CHALLENGE #2.
This time the quote is as following: "Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember"(Oscar Levant) We want you to scrap a photo that stands for happiness, and you need to include the whole quote.
We also want to keep the focus on the photo this time. It need to be a black/white photo or sephia. Heidi made you a tutorial that you can follow if you don´t know how to do it. Either way you should really check it out, the tuts are great and easy!
To be able to win a 5$ GC for this challenge you need to finish it and upload it to our challenge gallery at latest October 5th. Please link to your layout here in the blog. The winner will be announced October 13th, together with challenge #3.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wanna win a 5$ GC at ScrapScandiStyle????

This week the designer focus is on Princess Sophie´s design. Now I really want to see some great PS-layouts. So go ahead and scrap some beautiful layouts with 80% PS-design, and I will draw a random winner who gets a GC for 5$ at the shop! Upload the layout to the challenge-gallery, and link to the layout here in comments. Can´t wait to see what you come up with.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Designer focus; Princess Sophie

Let me kindly introduce our great designer Princess Sophie. She has so many beautiful designs in our store, and she wrote a little something about herself this week so we all can get to know her a little bit better. Be sure to check further down for great PS-layouts and a little goodie for you all. Here are some of my favorite products from Princess Sophie, and she is have a ONE DAY SALE WITH 25% OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little about me:
My name is Anita aka Princess Sophie, and I am a mom to two boys, age 6 and 8, I have a great boyfriend and a crazy cat. I do have a part time job as a graphical layout designer at a local newspaper where I live. And I have a degree in graphical design so I have been using Photo Shop since the dark ages. I have been digi scrapping since 2005. I started to design a while back but what I made then was simply not good enough so I took a long break. In that period I renovated my home, lost my grandmother and I lost my mojo, so my way back to designing was long and hard.Just before x-mas last year I decided to totally revamp my store, my style, my design name and my attitude toward the quality level of my designs. So far it has worked out much better then I ever could have imagined.

What my life is like:
My day starts at 6 am, I wake up with a smile on my face, I know my boyfriend loves me even if he has seen what I look like in the morning hehe. I get my kids ready for school which starts at 8 am. After that I go to the supermarket to buy our groseries.
When I come home I try to tidy up after my messy kids that includes my boyfriend and the crazy cat! LOL.
I get my coffee ready, need at least one whole pot a day to think clearly! Then I have my computer time, that’s when I set my creative mastermind into a high gear. Duh! Yeah right! LOL Most of the time I just read my e-mails, and answer forum post and every now and then I put some designs together.
I actually have my creative high point at the very end of the day, when the house is all dark, the kids is sound asleep, the smell of dinner is still sticking to the walls, and I can hear hubby snoring on the couch, pretending to be watching Prison Break LOL.
Every other week I work in the evenings for a local newspaper as a layout designer, I have a degree in graphical design ;)
I am lucky enough to have a workplace where I have some waiting periods during my shifts, and they actually allow me to work on my designs in PhotoShop at work! Yaaay! I love my job… And I love my life!

A little about Anita:
Anita the person is outgoing, I have a great sence of humour and that paints my world every day. I don't let things get to me, I belive in being happy and have desided that my life should contain more happy moments then stressful and sad ones. There is always something positiv in every situation, even the negative ones. You just have to look close enough.
I think this way of viewing life came to me the year I lost my mother I was only 21 at the time, she was to young to go and right then and there I desided that I will live my life to the fullest and never let my days be anything short of perfect. Life is just to short!
Be happy, don’t worry *singing* ;)
Big hugs from Anita aka Princess Sophie

Not only is Anita designing, she is also making gorgeus layouts. Here are a couple of my favorites:
Also check out these great layouts made with PS-design:

Last, but not the least, check out her shop here at scrapscandistyle, and make sure to download this beautiful freebie she made for us. Just click on the preview:)

Monday, September 8, 2008


All new products released in the store last week will be offered to you at a 25% discount for today only! The easiest way to view all the NYPD-Sales items is to press the Featured Products link in the store, it will only be visable during the sales on Monday.Today we also have all of Bergrosas kits on a 50% Retirement sale they can be viewed in the Retirement Categori along with some products from Sammy Design. This will be last chance to ever get them!Here are some of the great new products on sale for today ONLY!

And NEW as of today we will be offering store kit clusters for you, the clusters brought to you today are made by -heidi- and they are all made from Monica Larsen products. The income generated from sales on these great clusters go to help out with payments on the SSS site. So be a sport and support our site, and the clusters are awsome and highly recomended!And of course they are also 25% off today!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Digidonna September

Here are the 5 challenges for Digidonna September.

As usually you will get one technical challenge, one theme challenge, one sketch challenge, one scraplift challenge og one inspirational challenge. Every participant HAVE TO submit in each of the five tasks. You can not have more than one LO per task, that is to say that you shall submit five layouts. Your layouts will get points, from those who get most points to the one that get less points. The one who get most points totally will be this months winner . Each participant get different numbers in each task, so the vote will be anonymous. Contribution that not fill the requirement will be returned, so you can change them. This is things like the size of files, requirements and so on. Send your contributions some days before the deadline, so you get the time to change them. You have to do your best in each of the five tasks to win the months contest!
Requirement:The contributions shall be within the size limit 150 -200 kb. The width and height shall be max 600 pixels. A double layouts shall have the width of max. 800 pixels.The layouts shall not have been published before.

DeadlineSeptember 30'th 2008, at 1.00 PM (GMT)Send your LO's to: admin@monica-larsen.netSend all of your five layouts together and name them with username and task: Eks.: monica-challenge1.jpg, You will receive a confirmation mail when we have recived your mail, if you don´t get one send me a PM on this forum.

Challenge #1: Technique

This months technique is journaling. At least one third of the layout have to contain som kind of text. It could be a poem, song lyrics or free journaling.
Challenge #2: Theme

It is not Christmas yet, but still, the theme for this month is "I wish for..."It doesn't have to be something you want for Christmas, ut could be something you wish for in the future, like a new house, a new car, children or more children, a kitten, new kitchen, world peace - whatever. So as you can see - this task is quite open.

Challenge #3: Sketch

Use this sketch to make your sketch LO ( found at: http://www.kiwiscraps.com/TMS/sketches.htm)

Challenge #4: Scraplift

Lift this beautiful page made of Pia

Challenge #5: Inspiration
Let yourself be inspired by this wonderful layout by Berit What are YOU waiting for?

Monday, September 1, 2008

So... if you wondered where you were gonna get your inspirations this fall, or what to do on those long, windy, rainy nights.... well... look no more! ScrapScandiStyle.com is so proud to announce our huge project for this fall: "Happiness is..."

It´s a perfect scrapping project. A different way to do those difficult "all about me" layouts. It´s a perfect Christmas gift, and it is a perfect heritage to those who love you. Every third week you will have a new challenge, 6 of them all together. Every challenge will have a "happiness is" theme to get you started. The challenge will also have a technical requirement. This could be related to color, PS tutiorals, recepies or simular stuff. The point is to make great layouts AND learn something on the road.

AND... Of Course there will be prizes!!!! For every challenge there will be one winner for a 5$GC to our shop. Everyone who complete ALL 6 challenges will recive a 7$GC to our shop. AND......... We will pick 1 winner from all of you who completed ALL 6 challenges for a 35$ GC, Gold Membership for 2009 and maybe even some more surprises. So let´s get started girls!

Challenge #1: HAPPINESS IS.....

We start easy, and it goes like this: Happiness is.....complete this sentence.

Make a layout about what happiness is for you and complete it with the first thing that falls in you head. It has to be about you, but you can of course use picture of others than yourself. It´s all about what happiness is for you. But you need to have the sentence "happiness is (with your ending) in alpha on the layout.

Focus on fonts: You have to have a journalingpart on your layout using the journal-font from http://www.dafont.com/. You can find it here.

Upload your layout to our challenge-gallery, and link to it here. Please stop by our english area of our community if you have any questions. Can´t wait to see what you come up with. You have until September 14th to finish. First winner up will be announced September 22nd, so will the next challenge. Before I stop writing, here is a layout from Hanne´s gallery as a inspiration to you all. Happe scrapping!


It´s time to start something new, and we have decided to call it NYPD! Its a new-release sale every mondag, 25% off! How great is that! And what does NYPD stand for?????

New Yummy Product Day

And with no further talk: here is some of our yummy products on sale, today only!
And pssst... Stay tuned on the blog later on tonight for a very special event:)