Welcome to ScrapScandistyle blogging. Here you will find challenges every week, contests and news about www.scrapscandistyle.com. There will be prizes for the winners and cool freebies for all of you who participate. We hope you will enjoy the ride.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Winner Star Scrapper April

Da er vinneren for forrige mnd kåret.
Og vinneren ble også denne gangen


Gratulerer så mye. :)

Star scrapper April is again, same as last month, RedElf. Congratulations

Friday, April 24, 2009

Star Challenge # 6/7

Vi kjører challenge 6 en uke til. Det var ingen som la inn en LO forrige uke.

Ny frist er neste fredag kl 1800.

Lykke til :)

Due to the fact that nobody posted a layout last week, the new deadline is next friday. Hope many of you will participate :)