Welcome to ScrapScandistyle blogging. Here you will find challenges every week, contests and news about www.scrapscandistyle.com. There will be prizes for the winners and cool freebies for all of you who participate. We hope you will enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

Hi there!

It´s time for a new challenge. I don´t know about you, but we actually have snow these days... witch is kinda unusual for my hometime in November. Anyhow... its gonna rain tomorrow but I don´t wanna forget the snow. So I want you all to scap a winterlayout. How is wintertime for you and your family? Do you like snow? Do you have summertemperature all year? It´s time to scrap your heart out and make your finest winter-layout. And we don´t mind you thinking out of the box, or if you are gonna stay traditionally. We will pick out a random participant who will recive a GC of 10$ at our shop at http://www.scrapscandistyle.com/.

Our blogchallenge gallery is now up. Please upload your layout here. You don´t have to use SSS-produckts exclusivly for this challenge, but we would love to see some of our goodies:)

Feel like shopping for this challenge? Let me show you some of my favorites from the store.

Monica´s Mathilde is great for winterlayouts. I love the blues in it, and the elemtenst are so great.

Or what about Kjersti´s great backgrounds in her Blue Winter:

Katja Kromann got this great kit called Silver Bell, witch works well with both Christmas and winterlayouts.

Our great CT made some amazing winterlayouts for you all to get inspired by. The layouts are linked up to the gallery for full credits. Make sure to leave them some love as well:)

Kriztella´s Winter

DianaDK´s Snow

Petty´s Winter, I Love you

Hhmmmmmmm´s Little Winter prince

Monica also got a winterprince:)

Lill´s 2 days of snow:

And my own Mathilde staring at the snow

This last layout isn´t made by any of our CT´s, but by Trille. I thinks this layout is great and wanted to show it to you all. I love the blending and the framing. Its just some beautiful scrapping:)

Well... that´s it for this time. Stay tuned for our upcoming featured scrapper and designer later on.

Love Hanne

1 comment:

  1. Love the challenge. Here´s mine:

